Résumé : The aim of the present paper is to clarify the relationship, within Heidegger’s thought, between (a) his 1916 anti-Semitism of the spirit, and (b) his criticism of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology of 1923-24. The latter took place, in turn, within the framework of the criticism of the essence of modern metaphysics as a calculated omission of the question about Being. An intentional forgetting due to the universalist machinations proper of theoretical thinking (abstract: without soil, without homeland). Hence, Heidegger’s spiritual anti-Semitism ends up transformed, through his criticism of Husserl’s phenomenology, in a metaphysical anti-Semitism. According to it, there is an analogy between (a) the judaization of the German spirit and culture; and (b) the (theoretical) essence of modern metaphysics. As an historian of philosophy, Heidegger reaches the conclusion that the reason that prevents Husserl from delving into the true experiences (originally German) is his own race. I conclude that the Shoah could only find its way in the spirit of an epoch whose racism had been grounded by Heidegger through his denial of philosophy.
Abstract : The aim of the present paper is to clarify the relationship, within Heidegger’s thought, between (a) his 1916 anti-Semitism of the spirit, and (b) his criticism of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology of 1923-24. The latter took place, in turn, within the framework of the criticism of the essence of modern metaphysics as a calculated omission of the question about Being. An intentional forgetting due to the universalist machinations proper of theoretical thinking (abstract: without soil, without homeland). Hence, Heidegger’s spiritual anti-Semitism ends up transformed, through his criticism of Husserl’s phenomenology, in a metaphysical anti-Semitism. According to it, there is an analogy between (a) the judaization of the German spirit and culture; and (b) the (theoretical) essence of modern metaphysics. As an historian of philosophy, Heidegger reaches the conclusion that the reason that prevents Husserl from delving into the true experiences (originally German) is his own race. I conclude that the Shoah could only find its way in the spirit of an epoch whose racism had been grounded by Heidegger through his denial of philosophy.
Extracto : La finalidad del presente artículo es clarificar la relación, dentro del pensamiento de Heidegger, entre (a) su antisemitismo del espíritu de 1916, y (b) su crítica de la fenomenología trascendental de Husserl de 1923-24. Ésta tuvo lugar, a su vez, dentro del marco de la crítica de la esencia de la metafísica moderna como una omisión calculada de la cuestión acerca del ser. Un olvido intencional debido a las maquinaciones universalistas propias del pensamiento teórico (abstracto: sin suelo, sin patria). Por ende, el antisemitismo espiritual de Heidegger termina transformado, a través de su crítica de la fenomenología de Husserl, en un antisemitismpo metafísico. De acuerdo con él, hay una analogía entre (a) la judaización del espíritu y la cultura alemanas; y (b) la esencia (teórica) de la metafísica moderna. Como historiador de la filosofía, Heidegger llega a la conclusión de que la razón que impide a Husserl profundizar en las verdaderas experiencias (originalmente germánicas) es su propia raza. Concluyo que la Shoa no podía más que encontrar su camino en el espíritu de una época cuyo racismo había sido fundamentado por Heidegger a través de su negación de la filosofía.